Legal Notice

Legal Notice & Website

Website property

The Internet domain is the solely property of Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L. whose data are:

CIF: B45586724
Mercantile Register data: Toledo Mercantile Register, Volume 1293, Page TO-22822, Book 0, Entry 1ª, Folio 150.
Address for notifications: C/ Jarama 132, Nave P8.11, 45007-Toledo - Spain.


Use of the Website

The access to and use of the Website confers you the condition of User, and it implies your whole acceptance, without any reserves, of all and each one of the conditions included in this Legal Notice.

The User becomes obliged to make a correct use of the website in compliance with the Law 34/2002, 11th July, LSSICE and this Legal Notice.

Moreover, the user will be liable to Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L. or to third parties, for any damages or harm that may be caused as a result of the breach of such obligation.

It is expressly forbidden to use the website with purposes that may cause any damage to the assets, rights or interests of Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L.  or of others, or that somehow may overload, damage or disable networks, servers and any other computing equipment (hardware) or application programs and products (software) of Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L or any third parties. 

Web contents and links

The contents of this website aim to inform and present the products and services offered by Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L., as well as its networking with other professionals in the industry, for the purpose of providing the users of this website with the largest possible coverage and achieving the company's goal of “providing technical advanced home automation solutions”. Moreover, there are other areas of interest where the user may have access, even to design its own product and to request technical support for Zennio products.

The owner is not liable for the improper use of the website contents, which will be solely responsibility of the User that accesses or uses them.

It is explicitly forbidden to use the website contents to promote, contract or spread any advertising or information of our own, or of third parties, without the express authorization from Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L, nor to forward any advertising or information at the disposal of the users, independently whether its use is free of charge or not.

Intellectual property of the website

All the intellectual property rights for the contents of this website, its graphic design and source codes are the exclusive ownership of Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L, corresponding to that the exercise of the exclusive rights to exploit them.

It is totally forbidden to reproduce, distribute, public communication and transformation, totally or partially, without the express authorization from Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L.

Likewise, all commercial names, trademarks or signs of any nature contained in this website are protected by law.

Special Conditions

The use of certain services and contents offered by Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L.  through this website may be regulated by specific conditions, which may complete and/or modify this Legal Notice. Therefore, before using the mentioned services, the User should read carefully the corresponding specific conditions that may regulate them.

Updates and modifications to the website

Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L reserves the right to update, modify or delete any information from this website, as well as its configuration and layout, at any time, without any notice and without assuming any responsibilities for them.

Information on technical aspects

Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L. does not take any responsibilities that may derive from technical problems or from a break down in computing equipment occurred during the connection to the Internet, nor from the damages that may be caused by third parties through illegal intrusion out of the control of Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L. The company also exonerates of any responsibilities due to any possible damages or harms that the user may suffer as a consequence of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided when it comes from external sources.